Friday, December 5, 2008

Ode to the day off

There's nothing better than a day off. It's the perfect time to watch movies in bed, eat breakfast in bed, talk to kitties in bed, sleep in bed ... just never get out of bed, basically. I never appreciate my lazy days until my life is full of work, and then once I'm worn so thin and finally get a day to do NOTHING, I don't feel the need to cross things off my to-do list, I just want to SLEEP.
So I got to do that yesterday and it was quite heavenly. Nothing glamorous. Grubby pajamas and flannel sheets and a whole lot of oatmeal and catching up on two much missed sleep and watching 8 1/2 with a kitty named Penny.

So yes, this is an ode to laziness.


benedicte said...

Unfortunately, when you go to school there is no such thing as days off; any minute you spend lounging in bed with a book or watching videos on youtube is irrevocably perturbed by the thought that you should be reading, or writing essays, or organising notes.

Sometimes I just want a nine to four job too.

Hannah said...

9-4 would be too lucky, I work 8-5! haha